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Monday, August 25, 2008

7 Real Life Business Lessons Learned Playing Monopoly


"When I was a kid, my favorite game was Monopoly. Now I get to experience it a whole new way with my own kids. Turns out there are quite a few real life business lessons from the quaint old game.

1. You have to ask for what you want.
So you passed go, so what? It’s not my job or anyone else’s to remind you the rules of the game. Don’t expect others to do your job for you.

2. Niceness matters.
While you can’t rely on others to point out your opportunities, showing courtesy will gain you big points. Little things like passing the dice and moving another player’s piece go a long way toward a pleasant game. Just because it’s business doesn’t mean you have to be rude.

3. It’s not rocket science.
Monopoly is a very simple game. Accumulate real estate, collect rents. That’s all you do. Sometimes in business we right off avenues too soon because we don’t yet understand them. Analyze your business (or idea) piece by piece, or enlist the help of someone who can.

4. Take risks.
So what if you only have $600 to your name, are you going to let Boardwalk pass you by? This is a difficult one for many people. The more you know about your chosen pursuit, the more confident you’ll be taking calculated risks. And isn’t that the only way to make real money?

5. Business can be boring.
The first hour of a game of Monopoly is so tedious. Roll, buy, roll, buy. But that’s the way of the world too. It’s not all toasting big deals and delivering million dollar shipments. The day to day grind can get monotonous. Keep your eyes on the prize.

6. Luck counts for a lot.
Preparation goes a long way toward improving your luck, but much still depends on a roll of the dice. Keep this in mind next time you’re beating yourself up over a missed opportunity or a lost sale.

7. Don’t expect others to support your strategy.
My ten-year-old was recently stunned that his little sister would dare to buy Pennsylvania Avenue. “But I’m collecting those,” he whined. To which she responded a resounding, “So what.” Atta girl. Play your own game as best you can, but don’t expect cooperation from your playmates!"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Serb War Criminal Caught

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rabbi believes he has unveiled a secret of God

This rabbi believes he has discovered a new way to read the unreadable Hebrew name of God, and it means the Creator is a dual-gendered entity. Whatever your faith or beliefs, it's a pretty interesting read.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Women To Give Birth At 100 Within Three Decades

Women aged 100 will be able to give birth within three decades as infertility is eradicated, scientists have predicted.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

iPhone app finds your car!

After parking your car at a crowded shopping mall, users of G-Park tell their iPhone where their car is. When they wrap up their shopping, the application will provide directions back to the car.
PosiMotion says their application will even work on the first-generation iPhone, though without the accuracy of GPS.

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Obama pledges to send 10,000 US troops to Afghanistan

Barack Obama has promised that, if he becomes President, he will begin scaling back troops in Iraq and return focus on resurgent al-Qaida forces in Afghanistan. Currently there are approximately 156,000 troops in Iraq and 33,000 in Afghanistan. His current strategy, as it appears, is to reduce the number of those stationed in Iraq to a "residual force" of 60-80,000 by the summer of 2010, to further the training of Iraqi forces and for additional security. In addition, he will send 10,000 troops to Afghanistan to fight stubborn camps of Al-Qaida and resurgent Taliban cells.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

iPhone 3G - The Hype is here!

The first reviews of the iPhone 3G are being released, take a look at what the guys from the The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The New York Times are saying about it!

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